What’s Coming Next

First, a few precursors – because these elements are foundational and need to be understood, at least in an abstract manner, to take the next step in understanding.

“I am the only way.”

How does a cult leader cement his/her leadership status? This is a topic covered by far better sources than myself, and I will defer to them without hesitation – as a recommendation, look up the works of Hannah Arendt (“The Origins of Totalitarianism”).

From a high level view, one of the means by which a cult cements its control over individuals is through inducing guilt and shame in them, and offering conditional acceptance to the individual. Psychologically this traps the person – if they leave the cult, what they’ve done that induces the guilt and shame comes due, they lose the refuge from it that the cult offered. The cult may also make it clear that those who leave become enemies, and not only lose the refuge but earn a cause for fear.

Take for example, Nazi criminals who worked in concentration camps. They participated in the industrialized murder of millions, an unforgivable source of guilt and shame – but so long as they remained loyal to the Party, that became a quality of value within the cult. And of course, any who departed became enemies, and were to be destroyed as such. To depart was a twofold isolation: their own sense of guilt over what they knew to be wrong would come to roost, and the recrimination of their former colleagues would leave them with no one to help comfort them with it. Furthermore, they knew the physical harm which would befall them, which made departure from the cult unthinkable.

“I know nothing, and even if it does happen, they deserve it.”

Recall as well, that the concentration camps did not bear labels declaring them to be centers of mass execution. They were entitled “work camps”, with the slogan “Work Earns Freedom” on their gates. These were the sanitized exterior, what made them palatable to the local residents. As the knowledge of what actually went on within them made its way slowly out into the society, the combination of willful ignorance and the prior demonization of those condemned to the camps made it a simple matter for residents to simply ignore what went on behind those walls.

The Nazi party spent a great deal of time prior to coming to power spreading hate against the Jewish people, and others they considered ‘subhuman’ – gays, the mentally ill, Romany gypsies. They laid the groundwork of hatred in the common people by constant repetition and absolutely flagrant lies. This had the effect of demonizing the targets to the point where any normal person might consider ‘I know they aren’t as bad as that, but they aren’t good.’ This conditioning enabled uninvolved persons the psychological escape of looking the other way while unthinkable horror was visited upon their neighbors within a short walk of their homes.

How does this all bear pertinence to anything now?

  1. For years, Republicans – with the aid of FOX News and other even more extreme “news” outlets have demonized immigrants and gay/trans persons (all the while covering up their own pedophile and perverted members of the Republican party).
  2. Repeated themes of the Trump Presidency and candidacy have had him stating “I am the solution” and “I am your retribution” – positioning himself to provide relief from the fictional enemy oppressor.
  3. The Trump Administration of 2016-2020 spent its efforts on fictionalizing a “wall” being the solution to the immigrant problem, while throwing together makeshift camps on the Southern border of the US. During this time those camps contained thousands upon thousands of victims, and were responsible for the tearing apart of family members – again, on the fabricated grounds that those familial relationships were themselves untrue.
  4. The campaign of 2024, and the policy book “Project 2025”, has no plan for a “border wall” (which demonstrates that it is recognized as an idea that gains no traction, and therefore is of no use in marketing their ideas). It does, however, contain a proposal to round up and deport as many as 30 million persons. Such an effort will require an enormous infrastructure to be constructed, at hideous expense. It would also require an open destination to receive the deportees.
    • Except, of course, there is no such destination. There is no where on the planet with the ability to take in that many individuals.
    • And there is no money for such an effort. The Trump Administration couldn’t even manage to get funding for the ill-conceived wall between 2016 and 2020.

For comparison, the United States prison system has 1.5 million inmates across the country. The Republican round-up of deportees dwarfs that by 20x. There are no facilities to contain that many persons, never mind no legal ground for imprisoning them.

Where does this go?

Thirty million people that the Republicans wish to remove from society. They have no place to send them. No money to pick them up, store them, and eventually move them. They already have been conditioned to think of them as “murderers”, “rapists”, “vermin”, who “poison the blood of our country” (which, by the way, Trump has said numerous times on tape and camera, and is a direct quote from Nazi propaganda of the 1930s).

Of course, being Republican, they have no capacity for original thought – and they will go back to the old plan that they’ve been carrying around for decades.

They will construct “staging areas” and “deportation centers” around the country. Unlike our borders, Donald Trump’s surrogates will ensure these are built with high walls to prevent casual observers from watching what transpires inside.

His rich enablers will buy up all media outlets and ensure that no news story discussing these centers which is not approved by the Administration leaks out. Trump will shut down any remaining news outlets to seal the information leaks.

They will gather the people they consider “undesirable” in these deportation centers and staging areas.

And they will kill them there.

This is the end result that a Donald Trump dictatorship will arrive at.

We have seen this story before. We know its outcome. And we have no excuse to allow it to be repeated.

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