The title is rhetorical, I suspect a great many people feel the same way. Walk with me down a little logic path here.
I hope it is a well-known fact that when people are taught to value one thing over another, it becomes easy to sacrifice the less-valued thing in favor of one that has more.
That said, if for about a thousand years, say, or perhaps two, a culture is brought up to consider “The value of this person A is more than that one B” then it would follow that considering the needs of A would preclude consideration for B.
Now lend the power of belief that this value judgment system comes directly from God. That’s a pretty hefty value statement, don’t you think? And would it surprise you that wars get fought over it? Because after all, if person A is a favorite of God, then by definition A is worth far, far more than B, who is ignored – or worse, considered an enemy – by God. And if person A is actually “in touch with God” regularly, i.e., they are speaking together often, then that differential becomes a whole lot bigger.
In light of that path, doesn’t it make a perverted sort of sense that the Catholic Church protects priests committing rape against children in their parish, rather than prosecuting them? Doesn’t it make the same sort of sense that they consider defense of the Church to be paramount over the well-being of the children who are nominally under their protection?
Allow me to point something out. It’s mundane, common. I’m sure the message is everywhere among the parishes. This is taken from an Irish Sunday School book:
Figure it out for yourself, I'm busy puking over here.
This is evil at work here.
Tell you what – when I see the Vatican in flames, and the Catholic Church is reduced to a historical footnote alongside mention of the great mass-murderers of all time, maybe then I’ll be able to think of the millions of people they’ve killed in my lifetime and not feel the compulsion to slug a collared priest in the mouth.
And yes, I said MILLIONS. There are enormous fatalities every year to AIDS – which the Catholic Church has enabled, because they feel using a condom is worse than dying horribly when your immune system goes belly up and you succumb to common infections that ravage your body. Oh, but those are black people, which I’m sure don’t rate as high in some circles. The influence of the Church in that regard is enormous. And they’re still doing it.
Every time you drop a fiver or a ten-spot in that plate, you support this. You also help pay for the redistribution of sex offenders who rape children, rather than putting them behind bars where they belong.
So if you’re Catholic, fill me in – why are you? Why would you support this group? Do you genuinely believe the Pope is the one-and-only guy on the planet with a hot-line to Jesus? Do you feel that one of your children using a condom is worse than having him or her killed by AIDS? Do you think that eating a cracker once every so often will literally absolve you of whatever sins or crimes you may have committed? Do you genuinely consider that the idea of Original Sin is somehow more believable than Scientology’s arch-galactic-overlord Xenu?
I submit to all of you – this institution is not worthy of your support. Quite the contrary, they deserve recrimination and need to be shut down.