We came in first! I want to thank everyone for the votes, even though most of you don’t know me, it’s still great to get that upswell of support – very much appreciated, especially the strangers among you who just looked and said “Yeah, that’s cool!”

And in keeping with my own contest, I’ve just spent the last hour dorking around in MS Excel grabbing all the names of the “likes” and turning a random number generator loose on them to determine THE WINNERS of my own contest! (I’ve excluded my wife from the list – sorry honey, but I know you don’t want to play tanks anyway smile emoticon ).


In third place, winning an account bonus code for new players that includes 7 days Premium membership and 1000 in-game gold currency – Xiaonan Xu of Hangzhou, China

In second place, winning an account bonus code for new players that includes 7 days Premium membership and 1000 in-game gold currency – David LeBlanc who apparently is a member of the Canadian Forces

and in first place, winning an account bonus code for new players that includes 7 days Premium membership and 1000 in-game gold currency along with the German tier 4 premium heavy tank, the Panzer Kpfw. B2 740 (f) …

(wait for it)

drum roll

(wait for it)

Brian Post, of Tucson, Arizona!

Congrats to the winners, and once again thanks to everyone who voted! Helga (the Tiger) is most grateful as well, and we’ll see you all out on the battlefields!

(Winners of account and tank codes – you have been alerted via personal message on Facebook with your bonus codes, and if you need instruction on how to use them, just let me know and I’ll show you.)

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